Tuesday, July 04, 2006

A Blog is Born

Well I've done it now! I've created a blog. A chain of events has been set in motion that can lead to only one of two outcomes. Either: a) I'll become famous and have riches beyond measure, or, b) I'll experience abject public humiliation and be forced to slink back into the shadows. Okay, so maybe these aren't the only possible outcomes.

So why have I to created this blog? Before embarking on this project, I did some brief Googling into motivations for blogging. I wanted to understand why I was attracted to the idea of writing a blog. I discovered that I fall squarely into the 'Blog as Muse' camp, which sees blogging as 'thinking' through 'writing'. I look at blogging as an opportunity for me to stop and think on a regular basis. Hopefully, sometime in the future I'll be able to look back at my collected musings and see how my thinking has evolved.

What will I be writing about? Well, I'm a Software Developer and I tend to think quite a bit about the practice of my trade. For the last few years I've been learning about Agile Software development - mostly in the form of Extreme Programming (XP) - and how Agile techniques can improve the chances of success on software development projects. I expect this blog will have a fair amount to say on my experiences of software development and agile methods.

No, wait! Come back! I'll throw in some other stuff, if you promise to hang around.

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